Les Abbagliati

Ensemble – Ensemble

Foto: Sylvestre Vergez
Foto: Pull & Over Photography
Foto: Véronique Chochon

The musicians of Les Abbagliatimet first in 2009 whilst studying at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. They all haveimpressive resumes after having been invited to groups such as Il Gardellino, Ricercar Consort, B’Rock, AmsterdamBaroque Orchestra, Anima Eterna, l’Ensemble Pygmalion,Concerto Köln and La Petite Bande, to name a few.Seventeenth and eighteenth century music is their main territory of work. A program will always combine well-knownmasterworks as well as obscure little pearls of perhaps forgotten composers. True believers of visual assets, they oftenjoin forces with dancers or singers who have learnt the faded art of gesture for a refreshing approach of history.

The ensemble has built itself a solid reputation with many concerts in Belgium and abroad. Some highlights :2009 : finalist in the ‘International Young Artist Presentation’ in Antwerp(BE)2011 :young ensemble in residenceatthe Festival de Musique Baroque d’Ambronay(F)2013: showcaseat the ‘Réseau Européen de Musique Ancienne’ (REMA)2015 :InternationaleBarocktage Stift Melk (A)2018: Kadriorg Palace Tallinn (EE)2019:FEMAP-festival de música antiga dels pirineus (ES), andFinland (Turku and Helsinki)2020:CD ‘d’Astorga & Lalli’, cantatasby D’Astorga & Bononcini, sonatas by Haendel& Telemann, label Ramée

Les Abbagliati has the instrumentation of soprano, traverso, violin, cello and harpsichord. Depending on the programme,this line-up can be expanded or reduced.


Marieke Van Ransbeeckis a professional folk musician, baroque musician, composer and arranger. With her bagpipesshe performs with various national and international folk and baroque projects. She mainly plays the Flemish bagpipes,Baroque Musette and Swedish bagpipes. Marieke completed her artistic studies in Belgium (LUCA School of Arts,Campus Lemmens) and in the Nordic countries as part of the high-profile Nordic Master in Folk Music.Marieke and folk music go way back. She has her roots in the Belgianfolk music scene, where she completely fell in lovewith folk/traditional music and dance. Her mission is to share folk music vibes all over the world. Her motto: “Bring folkto the people”! She delivers an energy boost that you will never forget!Besidesbeing a musician, Marieke loves to teach: folk music, folk dance, ensemble-, arrangement–and ofcourseinstrument lessons.

Benjamin Macke was born in 1983 in the Northof France. He began his career as a musician with classical percussionand jazz drums before discovering at 18 the diatonic accordion which he learned as an autodidact and through meetings.He made it his profession in 2005 putting his accordion at the service of very varied projects :Shillelagh since 2002, trio of folk ball stamped “dance music from Flanders and elsewhere” with Gabriel Lenoir (fiddle)and Aurélien Tanghe (guitar).Duo Macke-Bornauw since 2008, with Birgit Bornauw (Flemish bagpipe and baroque bagpipe). They met each otheraround traditional music and folk ball but since 2014 they have offered a concert in baroque colors with It’s Baroque tomy Ears and its logical sequence Curly Music. Septembre since 2019, a theatrical and musical showdealing with mourning and disappearance in the world of spongefishermen in Greece with the actresses Géraldine Bogaert and Claudia Bruno.Le Ciné-concert de Poche since 2010, a solo movie-concert with a 16mm projectors, American comedies, cartoons fromEastern Europe, westerns, children’s stories…La Maîtresse des Ombres since 2016, a meeting between the movie-concert and the tale with Sandrine Gniady based onLotte Reiniger’s short movies.Easy Street since 2018, a movie-concert that he composed for harmony orchestra, based on this Charlie Chaplin classic.The Amazing Airbags since 2018, children’s bagpipe orchestra conducted by Birgit Bornauw.Les Contes à 1000 Gueules since 2007, in the world of coal mining, with Pascal Duclermortier (tale) and Gabriel Lenoir(fiddle).Teaching is also an important part of his work. He taught accordion and ensemble playing at Cric-Crac Compagnie, theMuziekacademie of Gooik and Ghent. He also gives a lot of workshops all over Europe : accordion, ensemble,improvisation on silent films…Benjamin Macke is also known for his work around the footbass, a funny accordion that is played with the feet andproduces very low sounds. He works on the revival of this obsolete instrument in close collaboration with his factorJean-Marie Paque.Curious and touching on everything, we could hear Benjamin Macke with eclectic artists: La Nopce Champêtre, baroqueoctet around Marieke Van Ransbeeck (baroque musette), Une Aventure de Tom Sawyer, radio fiction by Radio-France,around DavidChevallier (guitar), Benjamin Macke 4tet with Christophe “Pher” Motury (flugelhorn), Jean-ChristopheCheneval (vibraphone) and Aurélien Tanghe (double bass), the movie-concert Odna with Anne Frèches (vocals) andRaphaël De Cock (music Siberian), the direction of l’Orchestre Insolite with disabled musicians, the co-direction of theTransboarder Orchestra with 20 French and Belgian musicians, Le Duo Bastringue, unusual meeting between folk balland ball musette with Philippe Destanque (guitar) and Rachel Bazoge (vocals)…


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